Tuesday, June 12, 2012

...surface decorating...finally...

Well, I need to start adding some surface color/texture etc to my pots so I can start firing.  I've been thinking a great deal about what exactly to do....SOOO many choices.  I don't want to do any bisque firing as I think I want to add colored slip to the surface...whcih has to be done to leatherhard or green clay.  I don't want to have to mess with engobes at the bisqued stage.  I have a decent palette, but I would really like to get some red and other vivid colors.  I need to just jump in and do SOMETHING, so here's one pot with some colored slip.

...first, though, I had to add a handle to this pot...one lizard will do.  This image shows the lizard mid-stage.  You can see how I get the lizard the way I want it to look by using images from my book (to the left), Googled images, and my little plastic friends :)

 OK, so I finished the little guy and now have added some colored slip.  I just add stains or colorants to some porcelain slip I made.  The dark gray is copper slip...the orchid is actually mazarine blue, the "leaves" are a mix of yellow/chartreuse, and a grayish green...and the black lines are cobalt slip.  The colors, when fired with a clear glaze over, will look NOTHING like you see here.  It may look good, it may be a disaster...I rather like the disasters.  I left the lizard untouched at this point 'cause I'm not sure whether I will glaze him only, or slip him too...just can't decide yet.

 ...a close look at the lizard...

 ...done...for now...until I decide what to do next...

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